Thursday, February 10, 2011


This room will be the future room of a special little girl I have yet to meet. I am on the road to becoming a foster mom and this room is on the road to becoming as bright and colorful as it can be.

This boring ceiling will turn into a fabric "tent" with string lights so she can forget her worries for a while and gaze at the "stars".

Plain white walls have turned into
bright yellow walls
with a shimmering bronze stencil
so she will have a little sparkle in her life.

Also, a colorful chandelier, lanterns, books, and a chest with dress up clothes. Oh and let's not forget..... a lot of love and understanding from me :)

Whoever you are, I am working hard to make you a great escape during this troubled time in your life. I hope you love it while you are with me.


  1. Oh, megan, what a great thing you are doing! LOVE IT! I can't wait to meet her. Love your blog too. Your header looks great!

  2. Hello Megan!! I loved your blog, and what you wrote too. It's beautiful!! =D
    Érica P. Vatanabe

  3. Thanks Melissa & Erica! ... I have been busy with my Foster classes but I will have an update very soon. :)
