Friday, April 15, 2011


Today's inspiration for you is to try making your own invitations. Whether you have a Birth announcement or a party of some sort. Take your own pictures (they don't have to be perfect.. just perfect for you ) and find an editing program you like and layout your pictures scrapbook style. Insert text and shapes to add to it. Modern style is very easy to do and very '"in" right now. I personally use Photo shop but here is a link to some free programs if you don't have one.

I'm not really going into depth with this post.. just wanted to give you something to spark your creativity. Here are two invitations I made. Note: The birthday invitation pictures were taken with an iPhone so you don't need fancy equipment for it to turn out the way you want :)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Project Wine Crate Part 2

So my table FINALLY came in!!! After waiting 2 long months, I am ready to tear into this table and get it looking gorgeous! I have never done anything like this before so I am taking baby steps. As of right now, I just have everything set up to get a visual of what to do next. The first thing was spreading the panels out so they don't look too busy.

I'm also going to use some of them on a desk built by my grandfather so it matches. I am a firm believer that you should make your house fit your personality. And if you know me, the things I like are constantly changing...which means.... so is my house! So here are the pictures of the begining phase .. just need to make a trip to Home Depot to get my glue, extra wood, stain and polyurethane. I'll keep you posted on this project next week :)!!